Video Streaming -Premium Account

Signing up for Premium Account

For those with advanced video streaming needs, move onto the next level of video management with the premium package at listen2myradio.

Every Account Includes

Administration Panel

With our one-click, easy-to-manage video administration panel start and stop your stream, see detailed info, view logs, and monitor it live.

H.264 & VP6

listen2myradio supports these video codecs, both of which will be seen perfectly by your viewers. Try both, and see whats best for you.

Unlimited Bandwidth

listen2myradio has NO LIMIT on bandwidth. We do not share our server with anyone else, so theres nothing standing between you and a fantastic connection.

HD and SD quality up to 1,024 Kbps

listen2myradio supports all streams, from lowest to the very highest quality. Our incomparable bandwidth can bring cinema quality to the monitors of your viewers.

Widely compatible including iPhone

To ensure your stream can be viewed by everyone, listen2myradio supports a wide range of instruments, including the Apple iPhone, iPod and iPad, the Android and the Blackberry, among other 3GPP platforms, plus Microsoft Silverlight and Apple QuickTime.

Live Only

currently only Live streaming supported by listen2myradio. The account come with live stats details page.

Video Flash Player

listen2myradio offers an advanced video player so anyone can watch your show, regardless of which browser they use. Whats more, the player has a range of skins and options to make your show look its best.

Payment Type

We accept payment via Paypal, Credit Card, Bank Transfer (depending on country), DineroMail (Many types of payment for Latin America), Western Union (for amounts greater than $100).

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